Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Diego Discovers Finger Painting!

Diego got an artist easel for his birthday and he has enjoyed creating various art projects. Recently he has discovered the joy of finger painting. For awhile it was all he wanted to do. As soon as he got up in the morning he would ask if he could finger paint right when he got home from school. He is quite the budding artist.

He has found that finger painting is a great way to practice the letters that he is learning at school. He recognizes the letter B for Batman, J for Joker, R for Robin, T for Two Face, C for Catwoman, J for Jedi, Y for Yoda, S for Stormtrooper, and D for Darth Vader and Diego. As you can tell he loves everything Batman and Star Wars. He is doing great with recognizing the letters and their sounds and also writing them. Go Diego Go!

1 comment:

Linda Oxborrow said...

Very cute, and what a smart kid that Diego is. He must get it from his mom- Love you!! Talk to you soon- I hope!